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Our Mission

A Life of Harmony


Our intention is to bring harmony to your life in a way that fosters homeostasis, healing, and the highest resonance. EarthtoneS brings esoteric knowledge from Western and Eastern mystery schools of thought and practice to those who are seeking enlightenment and expansion. We desire only the best for you on your journey to self discovery.


​Just Breathe

Sign Up for Coaching Classes

Lessons to Live By

Allow us to be your guide, assisting you with tools needed to create and maintain homeostasis. These classes are so much more than simply learning, they are about giving you customized personal resources for a  healthier lifestyle. Discover new ways to develop the habits you’ll need to help improve your mindset, nutrition, daily patterns and ultimately, your life.


(Individual and Group Sessions Available)

"Man Know Thyself"

Learn about the cosmos and how your personal light shines in its grand illumination. This class teaches astronomy, astrology, philosophy, physics and the science behind all living things. You will benefit from learning how to apply the laws and principals of the universe as well as our connection to Source or God within.

Stress Management

(Individual and Group Sessions Available)

Living in the "now" moment is the key to managing stress. The benefits of this class include learning about the conscious breath, guided meditation, and the importance of exercise. You will learn how to diminish anxiety and depression along with ways to communicate with your doctor in a more proactive role to improve the quality of life. 


Health & Wellness

(Individual and Group Sessions Available)

Your mind, body and spirit will thank you by reciprocating what you feed it. The benefits of this class are abundant, in combining traditional and natural remedies for what ails you. It all starts from within. You will learn what to eat to get the most from nutrition, share recipes and substitutions, in addition to economical and therapeutic pathways to overall health and wellness. 

Contact Us

Our goal is to offer coaching sessions and classes that suit the educational, health and wellness needs of everyone desiring to change the course and improve their quality of life.

Contact us to find out more.

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